Remote Patient Monitoring Accountable Care Organizations

Revolutionize Patient Care With Chronic Care Management Program

The healthcare industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and programs emerging to improve patient outcomes and experiences. One such program that has gained popularity in recent years is the Chronic Care Management (CCM) program.

According to a report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in 2019, over 3.5 million Medicare beneficiaries received CCM services, which resulted in higher quality of care and reduced healthcare costs.

The CCM program is designed to proactively manage patients’ health and collect valuable information to improve care coordination and communication among chronic care management and remote patient monitoring providers.

By providing additional support and resources to patients with chronic conditions, the CCM program helps to prevent and manage complications that can lead to hospitalizations and readmissions. Moreover, the program generates extra revenue for healthcare organizations with minimal effort, making it an attractive option for providers looking to enhance patient care while also improving their bottom line.

Our care staff will extend your own in-office resources to provide ongoing excellence in Chronic Care Management (CCM) services, easing work overload and supporting patient monitoring/coordination while at home. Our sophisticated system documents call dates, times, and the patient’s health data, all of which will be uploaded to your practice or system-specific EHR for both clinical and revenue cycle management/billing purposes.

Here, we will explore the benefits of the chronic care management and remote patient monitoring program, the implementation process, and the ongoing program support available for healthcare organizations.

Key Takeaways:

Chronic Care Management For Medicare Patients Program helps improve patient experience and clinical results.

– It enables Remote patient monitoring providers to proactively manage patients’ health and collect valuable information, expanding and supporting their existing staff.

– The program ensures Chronic care management services compliance, provides training materials for staff to address patient questions, and offers outbound and inbound numbers for patient convenience.

– Chronic care management and remote patient monitoring program provides additional benefits for patient engagement and can be implemented in 8 weeks.

Benefits of Chronic Care Management Program:

The CCM program offers several benefits, such as improved patient experience and clinical outcomes, strengthened relationships with vulnerable and Medicare patients, proactive health management, and additional revenue generation with minimal effort, among others.

By providing a CCM program, healthcare providers can proactively manage patients’ health and collect valuable information, which can help establish a baseline and track changes in a patient’s health. This program also helps expand and support existing staff, as it handles patient eligibility, enrollment, claims management, and billing, ensuring that patient encounters are customized and dynamic.

Moreover, the chronic care management for medicare patients program helps create and strengthen long-term relationships with vulnerable and Medicare patients, as it gathers information and ensures patients feel connected to the clinic between office visits. This program also provides additional benefits for patient engagement, such as outbound and inbound numbers for patient convenience, training materials for staff to address patient questions, and FAQs for common questions.

By implementing the CCM program, healthcare providers can ensure CMS compliance, generate extra revenue for the clinic with minimal effort, and document encounters in real-time in the EMR system, providing a billing summary at the end of each month. Overall, the CCM program revolutionizes patient care by providing complete patient care in three simple steps and helping organizations maintain focus and scale across a large number of Medicare patients.

Implementation Process:

Implementation of the Chronic Care Management (CCM) program can be completed in just 8 weeks and is designed to ensure CMS compliance, which is crucial considering that 90% of CCM claims are denied due to non-compliance issues. The program operates as an extension of the team and works directly in the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. It is specifically designed to help Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), Rural Health Clinics (RHCs), and Primary Care Providers and their organizations.

The implementation process is streamlined and efficient, ensuring that the program can be up and running quickly, allowing healthcare providers to focus on patient care. During the implementation process, the chronic care management program support team works closely with organizations to solve problems related to Medicare patients, risk stratify their patient population, and gather information to meet quality metrics and goals.

The program is designed to have minimal burden on staff and to work with top-notch organizations to deliver consistent, high-quality results. The team provides training materials for staff to address patient questions, outbound and inbound numbers for patient convenience, and monthly encounters posted directly into the EMR system. Overall, the CCM program implementation process is designed to be efficient, effective, and allow healthcare providers to provide the highest level of patient care.

Program Support by DiaSante:

Organizations and clinics can rely on our team to provide comprehensive solutions to issues related to Medicare patients. The team operates as an extension of the office, representing itself in a professional and helpful manner. The support team works with top-notch organizations and delivers consistent, high-quality results.

They help organizations launch the CCM program and risk stratify their patient population. Our support team also assists in gathering information to meet quality metrics and goals, helping organizations maintain focus and scale across a large number of Medicare patients.

In addition, the DiaSante’s CCM program support team provides the highest patient enrollment and retention rates. They offer training materials for staff to address patient questions, and provide outbound and inbound numbers for patient convenience. Monthly encounters are posted directly into the EMR system, and a comparison with other CCM companies and DIY options is also provided.

The DiaSante support team also provides FAQs for common questions, making it easier for organizations to access information and address concerns. Overall, the CCM program support team is an invaluable resource for organizations looking to improve patient care and outcomes for those with chronic conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the chronic care management remote patient monitoring program available for patients with all types of chronic conditions?

The CCM program is available for patients with two or more chronic conditions, including hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease. It proactively manages patients’ health, collects valuable information, and generates extra revenue for clinics without increasing payroll.

How does the chronic care management and remote patient monitoring program integrate with existing patient care plans?

The CCM program integrates with existing patient care plans by operating as an extension of the team and working directly in the EMR system. It proactively manages patients’ health, documents encounters in real-time, and provides complete patient care in three simple steps.

Can the CCM program be customized to meet the specific needs of our organization?

The CCM program can be customized to meet the specific needs of an organization. This feature allows the program to operate as an extension of the team, ensuring CMS compliance and delivering consistent, high-quality results.

What kind of training and support is provided for staff members who will be working with the CCM program?

The DiaSante provides training materials for staff to address patient questions and offers outbound and inbound numbers for patient convenience.